February'22 Notes from the Editor

Annette Cardenas

Skål International Director

We begin this month with positive expectations for our industry...

...countries starting to relax their travel restrictions and requirements, passengers feeling more confident about travel and Skål International working hard to take advantage of this much expected curve in business.

It is great to see groups of Skålleagues working together in groups exchanging ideas and recommendations READY to present them. As we move forward in our activities ready to take advantage of new opportunities, we must SET our action plans making sure we are utilizing all the tools our organization offers. With almost 13,000 members worldwide, why not share our best practices amongst ourselves joining forces to help each other succeed!

The time is now!
Let’s GO find fellow Skål International members to do business with and continue building our network of friendly Skålleagues!.


Always in friendship and Skål,

Annette Cardenas

Skål International Director

PR, Communications & Social Media